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Planning Board Minutes 10/25/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday October 25, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette-ex-officio, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present:  Zach Boyijian, Bob Mann, Mike Tardiff, Matt Monahan, Charlie Kojigian, Gail Britton-Kojigian, and other members of the public.  

  Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the minutes of September 27, 2018 with the proposed changes. Motion passes.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Bouchard seconded to approve the minutes of October 4, 2018 with the proposed changes.  Motion passes.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the minutes of October 17, 2018.  Motion passes.  

Central NH Regional Planning Commission-Zoning
Mr. Tardiff and Mr. Monahan came before the Board to present the most recent work they had done on the zoning changes.  They started off by discussing what exactly the Board wanted to be considered a buildable lot. In Chichester’s current zoning, a buildable lot has to be 90% buildable soil excluding wetlands and slopes.  Mr. Tardiff stated they could also use NH Department of Environmental Services standard which is not as stringent but has to meet the standards of safety putting a septic and well on the proposed lot. There was also some discussion of keeping the 5 and 2 acre zoning or possibly a base of 3acres.   The Board will need to make decisions on these items moving forward.  

Mr. Moore suggested that it would be a good time to consider changing the term “paved” to “suitable surface” in Chichester’s zoning regulations. He felt that the term should be injected anywhere it says paved and then create a definition of what’s suitable for each type of business.  
Mr. Millette wanted to keep more discretion and would like to see something along the lines of “parking shall be paved or use of a suitable surface material as agreed upon by the Planning Board”.  

Cluster housing and Agricultural Protection-
Mr. Tardiff discussed with the Board that they will have to determine a minimum lot size of the parent tract to do a cluster development and also decide if the Board wants to round up or down when determining the number of lots. He stated that some Towns use anywhere from 10-30 acres.   
The Board asked how we now determine agricultural soils.  Mr. Tardiff explained that they are using the most up to date NRI (Natural Recourse Inventory) information.  
Mr. Tardiff and Mr. Monahan presented the maps that they created with the work they had done so far.  The Board reviewed the maps and were concerned about the division of some of the major roads in Town with one side being Residential and the other being Rural Agricultural.  The Board was told that this was very defendable as CNHRPC used the NRI research to make the distinctions, however the Board felt they should use the back lot lines for zoning distinction rather than the front lot lines.

Mr. Mann wanted to talk more about the placement of nodes.  He stated that he thinks that there should be a node from the school to Rt. 28 as he felt it had a lot of potential and already had some mixed use.  The Board is still weary of creating too much change too quickly and would like to take things slowly.

The Board appointed a subcommittee to work on agricultural plotting that Mr. Williams will head.  

The next zoning meeting will be on November 15, 2018 at 6:30pm.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 8:16pm.
Respectfully submitted,